Now more than ever, most American families need some kind of afterschool care. For many parents, these afterschool hours are filled with worry and risk. It is during these hours that youth are most likely to be victims or perpetrators of crime. As with all community initiatives, the more partners that join in the effort, the more successful we are in providing opportunities for youth in an enriching haven that keeps them safe. Your donation and active involvement will allow us to continue inspiring, motivating, and changing lives, one youth at a time with inspiring programs and activities.
Programs and events planned for this summer celebrate the important role that positive alternatives play in keeping Grand Rapids and the surrounding city's youth safe, engaged, inspired, and motivated to become all that they can be.
At Dreams Take Work, we encourage individuals to invest in themselves. We believe pursuing a passion is an essential core value. We want to uplift the community by offering a garden suitable for growth. We aim to provide a safe space for individuals to move towards their true purpose. We create safe spaces for young people to express themselves creatively and healthily, using sports and art as a pillar.
An inventory of the meaningful life and the extraordinary dreams of ordinary people. Dreams carry us back to the early stages of human culture and afford us a means of understanding it more clearly. We believe that at the core of every human there is an expressive form of passion. We want to bring it to life.